Saturday, November 12, 2022, at 9:30 A.M.
Old High School Gym (W. Lower St., Abingdon, IL)
GUNS/BOWS: Ruger Mk. II 22 Long Rifle; Taurus PT22 22 Long Rifle; Beretta Model 950 BS 22 Short; IJ Target Sealed 8 22 Cal.; Ruger Security 6 357 Magnum; Ruger Model 9E 9MM; Ruger Model SR22 22 Cal.; Ithaca 45 Cal. Auto; Smith & Wesson Model 10-8 38 Special CTG; Ruger Model 10/22 Carbine .22 Long Rifle; The Hamilton Rifle 22 Cal.; J. Stevens A+T Co. 22 Long Rifle; Springfield Model 86 22 Bolt Action; Remington Model 770 243 Cal.; Remington Model 700 270 Cal.; Glenfield Rifle Model 6 22 Cal.; Crossman Model Nitrovenom Dusk CD1K77NP .117 Cal; Harrington + Richard Inc. 410 Gauge; Remington 1100 LW 410 (3 in. shells only); Remington 11-87 Sportsman 20 Gauge (all shells); Remington 1100 20 Gauge (2-3/4 shells only); Winchester Model 1897 16 Gauge; J.C. Higgins Model 60 12 Gauge (2-3/4 in. shells); Remington 11-48 12 Gauge Auto (2-3/4 in. shells), 2 barrels; 20 ga. Barrel; 12 ga. Barrel; 12 ga. Barrel; Horton crossbow; Cobra pellet; Powermaster 760 pellet; Ruger pellet pistol; Crossman pellet pistol; Browning Model 99 Special 12 ga.; Savage edge 223; Savage model 110 30-06; Marlin model 781 22; Mossberg model 151 22; Remington model 870 12 ga.; Winchester model 1200 20 ga.; Ruger model 10/22 22; Davis model 380 38; Davis model DM 22; Davis model D38SPL 38; H+R model 922 22; Ruger 22; Ruger security six 357M; Model 213 9×19 MM; Model II Savage 223 (new); Model PAS Arm Co. 410 (new); Barska spotting scope; Charles Daley 20 ga.; Mossberg Model 335 12 ga.; Mossberg 835 12 ga.; High Standard Model K121 20 ga.; Crossman Air gun .171 CA Pellet; Mossberg Model 25A 22; Churchill Model 220 – 20 ga. w/ slug barre (new); Browning Compound Bow w/ Arrows (left handed); Eastern Arms Company 4-10; Wards Western Field Model 85-22; Radical MP152 20 ga.; The Marlin Firearms stainless steel Model 88355-22; Mossberg Model 715-T-22 w/ clip; Colt positive 32 police CTC pistol; Heritage Rough Rider 22LR + 22 Mag Pistol; Remington Nylon 66 22Lr; Henry Lever Action 22Lr; Taurus The Circuit Judge .410; Remington 1100 12 Auto Shotgun; Mossberg .410 Bolt Action Shot Gun; Remington Model 51 9Mm Handgun(Nib); Ruger LCR 22 8 Shot Pistol; Walther PPKS 22 Auto; G-Force Ar15 Style Shotgun Clip fed; Marlin Model 30T 30-30 Rifle; Glock 19 9Mm Hand Gun Laser Grip; 12 Ruger Target 10-22 Bull Barrel.
GUN ACCESSORIES/MISC.: Gun locks; goose calls; holsters; slings; scope mounts; handgun grips; scent spray; (2) Stack on Gun Safes (Like new); 6+ bayonets.
LARGE AMOUNT OF AMMO INCLUDING: Remington 223 shells; Winchester 9MM Shells; Liberty 9MM Shells; Amerigun 9MM Shells; 7.62×39 MM Shells; Misc. .223 Rifle Ammo; Misc. 30.06 Rifle Ammo (some loaded on M1 Garand clips); 22 LR .410; 38SP; 22 Super X; 22 peters; 22 Winchester; 22 Remington; 9MM; 45 Auto; 38 Special; 243; 270; 410 super x; 410 silver bear; Crossman 177.
FIREARM TERMS OF SALE: The Great Outdoors (Knoxville, IL), a licensed firearm dealer, will facilitate the transfer of all firearms sold in this auction. You must have a valid FOID card to purchase a firearm. You will be subject to any transfer fees, pickup waiting periods, paperwork requirements, applicable laws, and any other conditions set forth by the dealer. The dealer has final discretion on the transfer of firearms. Boyer’s Auction Service has no control over and assumes no liability for the transfer process.
COLLECTIBLES: Collectible figural paperweights; Pop Heroes figurines; cartoon tin cans; Star Wars figures; Disney figures; TV guides; VHS movies and DVDs; metal die cast figurines; large assortment of still in package Hot Wheels; large assortment of books; Marvel (Thor, Spiderman, Ironman, Human Torch, many others); comic books still in wrappers; many collectibles w/ most still in boxes or packaging.
SELLERS: Multiple Owners
Auctioneer Dan Boyer–License No. 440000668–Mobile: 309/252-1193
Auctioneer Albert Vaughn–License No. 440000544
TERMS: Food stand; restroom; Not Responsible for accidents, theft, vandalism, errors, or omissions. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over previous material whether printed, electronic, or oral. PAYMENT: Cash or approved check, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Discover payable on day of sale.