December 18, 2021 Household – Antiques – Collectibles



Saturday, December 18, 2021, at 9:30 A.M.

Old High School Gym (W. Lower St., Abingdon, IL)

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HOUSEHOLD/MISCELLANEOUS: 2 matching loveseats and overstuffed chair; leather loveseat; matching oval glass top coffee table and end tables; (2) high-back rockers; wicker rocker; (2) queen size beds; full size bed; table lamps; floor lamps; 2-drawer wood file cabinet; (2) recliners; card table w/ 4 chairs; clothes racks; canning jars; pots; pans; dishes; lighted hutch; curio cabinet; (2) 3-drawer dressers; 2-drawer chest; (2) halogen work lights w/ stands; hood for 1974 Mustang; 4” planer; scroll saw; ½ of windmill blades; old gas cans; log chains; extension cords; ball receivers for trucks; wall shelves; garden hose and reel; large ammo box; 14 boxes of 12-gauge shells; 4-6-8 shot Winchester pellet gun; gun cleaning kit; other miscellaneous items.

ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: Oak cabinet w/ gingerbread top (very nice); 54” round oak table (very nice); oak wash stand; wood blanket box; (5) oak chairs; oak lamp table; (2) 6-drawer chest of drawers; older china cabinet; porcelain pans; large porcelain coffee pot; Planters peanut jar; kerosene jar; vinegar cruet set; old dresser set; Borden’s gold milk jugs; cast iron pots, skillets, and griddle; green depression; amber depression; Gilson china; old perfume bottles; old barber chair; Barbie dolls; small old dolls; bear collection (Boyd’s Bears and others); old magazines and books; CDs; 33-1/3 record albums; old sheet music; hunting knives; pocket knives; advertising knives; swords; brass blowtorch; flashlights; remote control USS Connecticut submarine; walking canes (hand carved); old Thomas radio; Robertshaw pendulum clock; sessions mantle clock; violin; trumpet; old watering can; old metal toy barn; old toy animals; large wood barn; large amount of Elvis Presley memorabilia; lots of miscellaneous antiques and collectibles.

AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Sale is MUCH larger than ad appears. OWNER: Multiple Owners

Auctioneer Dan Boyer–License No. 440000668–Mobile: 309/252-1193

Auctioneer Albert Vaughn–License No. 440000544

TERMS: Food stand; restroom; Not Responsible for accidents, theft, vandalism, errors, or omissions. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over previous material whether printed, electronic, or oral. PAYMENT: Cash or approved check, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Discover payable on day of sale.

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