Saturday, April 29, 2023, at 9:30 A.M.
Abingdon Fall Festival Grounds (914 N. Monroe, Abingdon, IL)
TOOLS/OUTDOOR: 5hp, 22” Yard Machine snow blower; new Troy Bilt 24” snowblower; Bolens 31cc filler; Lawn Chief tiller; 3 gas weed eaters; 1 battery weed eater; Homelite leaf blower; 20” weed eater gas mower; bench grinder; Husqvarna chainsaw; 2 air compressors; table saw; band saw; scroll saw; drill press; battery drill and saw; battery charger; air impact; DeWalt saber saw; hedge trimmer; bench drill; jigsaw; 2” and 4” vise; large anvil; extension cords; 3/8 socket set; ½” drill; Wagner power painter; bench drill; drywall lift; toolboxes; hand tools; lawn sweeper; gas grill; wheel barrow; yard windmill; step ladders (aluminum and wood); metal shelving; MTD gas chipper; Ready Heater; 2 fiber glass ladders; small JD tractor cab; steel posts; roll of no climb fence; large selection of rough sawn wood; lawn cart; new Romex 12-2 electric wire; motorcycle jack; coolers; (4) 265-70-17 firestone tires w/ rims; 30hp boat motor; JD 318 mower; JD blade; JD 1-bottom plow.
TOYS/ANTIQUES: High Wheel Wagon sold by T.O. Grim, London Mills, IL; sets of harness; bits and spurs; bridles; saddles; martingales; collars; hames; wood axels; pieces of leather; sideboards and end gates; steel wheels; old garden plows; 2 old wood childrens wagons; old reel mower; old metal trucks; trailers; tractors; 2 wood rocking horses; 4 bicycles; large number of puzzles; lots of misc. items.
Toy Tractors/Cars: Ford 981 Select O Speed Tractor; Maytag1953 Ford COE Truck; Maytag 50th Anniversary 1949-1999 International KB-8; Maytag 1937 Chevrolet Stake Truck; JD Salt & Pepper Shakers; JD Truck Bank; Case “L” Tractor; JD 1960 Model 3010 tractor; Allis Chalmers WE-45 Antique Tractor; JD 1953 Model “60” Orchard Tractor; JD 1953 Model “D” Tractor; JD 1937 Model “G” Tractor; Maytag “Highlander” 1957 International Dry Goods Van; JD Freightliner Tractor Trailer 1947-1997; Caterpillar Mural Semi Truck #1; JD 1918 Vintage Runabout Tractor Trailer; Ford 5000 Super Major Tractor; Case “VAC” Tractor; JD 1958 Model “630LP” Tractor; JD Unstilled Model B Tractor; JD Model A Tractor; JD Wide Tread 1930 “GP” Tractor; Massey Ferguson 8160 Dynashift Tractor; Farmall F-20 Tractor; JD 1953 70 Row Crop Tractor; JD 4230 Diesel Tractor w/4 Post Roll Gard; JD Cad Little #23 Stock Car; JD 1915 Model “R” Waterloo Boy Tractor; JD 1935 Model “BR” Tractor; JD 2640 Field of Dreams Tractor; JD 1996 #23 Stock Car; Nascar #6 Valvoline Transport & Stock Car; IH Farmall Super M-TA Tractor; IH Farmall Super M-TA Tractor; JD 1925 Kenworth Truck Bank; JD Ertl 40th Anniversary Commemorative Tractor; JD 1957 Model “720 Hi-Crop” Tractor; JD Model “R” Tractor; JD Model 4020 Diesel Tractor Maytag; 1937 Chevrolet Delivery Truck; JD Ford Coin Bank w/Wayne Gas Pump Case Agri King 1170 Tractor; Maytag Semi-Tractor Trailer Bank Diamond “T” Velveeta Tractor Trailer; Texaco Tractor Trailer; JD 630 Corn Picker Tractor JD 8760 Tractor; Field Boss 2-135 Series 3 White Field Equipment; Tonka Cement Truck; White Oliver 1855 Tractor; JD Nov 1986 Tractor (Knobby Wheels); JD Model “B” Tractor Clock; JD Bulldozer Tonka Dump Truck; JD Gray Tractor Farmall; Red Tractor IH Farmall Model 656; Tonka Red Truck; 949 Ford Coupe; Green Wood Tractor w/Plow; JD Tractor (no markings); JD 730 Diesel Tractor; Minneapolis Moline Power Implement Company (Orange) ; Minneapolis Moline Twin City Modern Machinery (Gray); Ford 1920 Tractor (Blue); Ford Red Belly Tractor Roadway Tractor Trailer; JD Lube Express Truck; Caterpillar Challenger 85D Tractor; Case International Tractor (small red); Motor Express 1950 Chevy Cab #2 Series; 1947 International KB-12 Cab 4 Series Caterpillar Tractor Trailer w/ 2 Tractors; American Pride/Spirit of America Freightliner 120 Tractor Trailer; Ford T-Bird 1955-1995 Tractor Trailer; Rowcrop 1st Edition; Caterpillar Tractors (2); Matchbox car #43; JD Overtime Tractor #5607; Ford 9N with 2 Bottom Plow 50th Anniversary Special Edition; Winross Highway Pioneers Historical Series #7 Hall’s Motor Transit VGC 1997 Ford; JD “Elvis Presley” Collection 4010 Diesel Narrow Front Tractor; 1960 JD “Elvis Presley” Collection 4010 Diesel Narrow Front Tractor; New Holland Ford 8N Tractor 1/16 with Flarebox Wagon Set 13706; JD Tractor 13 1/2 inch Wall Clock; JD Tractor Barometer Model D; Teltime Big Rig Wall Clock w/Sound & Motion; 1951 Ford Redbelly Tractor (Full Size).
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: 2 rings will run (one selling toys, the other tools). Mower and high wheel wagon will sell at noon.
SELLERS: Fred Morris & Others
Auctioneer Dan Boyer–License No. 440000668–Mobile: 309-252-1193
Auctioneer Albert Vaughn–License No. 440000544
TERMS: Food stand; restroom; Not Responsible for accidents, theft, vandalism, errors, or omissions. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over previous material whether printed, electronic, or oral. PAYMENT: Cash or approved check, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Discover payable on day of sale.